TIPS Charter & Mission
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Mission Statement
TIPS — Team for Improving Productivity at Stanford — is a staff-based organization for achieving productivity gains at Stanford. TIPS' primary goal is to advise and influence Stanford leadership on the development and implementation of processes and procedures that support the needs of the academic and administrative units that TIPS represents.
TIPS Objectives
- Operates as an open forum that serves as a catalyst for communicating information to all staff.
- Collaborates, raises awareness, influences and provides advice to enhance productivity across campus.
- Supports successful and effective development and implementation of business processes.
- Provides opportunities for leadership development to Stanford staff.
- Encourages and engages the staff community to contribute input regarding productivity at Stanford.
- Provides a forum for staff who seek information and advice about Stanford programs and services as well as opportunities to provide feedback on efficiency and effectiveness.
- Provides a voice for input and constructive feedback through identification, development, and implementation of University business processes and partner with other University groups in the identification, development, and implementation of policies, processes, and systems supporting Stanford business practices through working groups focused on specific business processes, policies, and tools.
- Reviews specifications of online applications for functionality and handling of exceptions and endorses specific applications before they come under the Electronic Transactions policy (see Guide Memo 64). TIPS' endorsement shall be based on factors such as functionality, ease of use, and the availability of adequate training, documentation, and equipment.
- Leverages the expertise of Stanford Leadership (via University Management Group - UMG) to assist with implementation.
Operating Guidelines
- TIPS general meetings are open for the Stanford community to attend, in person or remotely.
- TIPS will meet on a regular basis and meeting dates will be identified at the beginning of the fiscal year.
- The TIPS Leadership team will consist of a Chair, Co-Chair and the Core Representatives and will serve with the consent of their supervisors.
- Chair: Presides over the Core Representative and general meetings and serves as the liaison between Stanford leadership and TIPS.
- Co-Chair: Supports the role of the Chair.
- Core-Representatives: Core Reps are leaders and shall represent their constituents, attend monthly TIPS meetings, and communicate useful information to their Administrative Deans and colleagues in their departments or units.
- The will only be used to send email relating to TIPS business; not for general University announcements, job openings, etc.
- The TIPS Charter shall be reviewed in conjunction with the election of a new chair.
(rev: June 2018)